Withered Hands


Withered Hands

Reading: Mark 3:1-6 – NKJV)

 After looking around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart, He said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” And he stretched it out, and his hand was restored. (Mark 3:5 – NASB)

When Jesus saw the condition of the man with the withered hand, and no doubt perceived all he has suffered as a result, it stirred compassion in Him

The CONDITION the Man Struggled with

He entered again into a synagogue; and a man was there whose hand was withered. (Mark 3:1 – NASB)

What were the difficulties that the man with the withered hand suffered?

Because of his withered hand there things he could not do, and duties he could not perform.

He probably had difficulty dressing himself.

Luke tells us that it was his right hand that was withered. If he was right handed, as most people are, or in performing detailed tasks that require accuracy he would have had difficulty doing some things his fellow workers could perform without any difficulty at all. There would be some occupations that would have been closed to him because of their physical requirements.

He would not have been able to lift heavy boxes and certain games he could not play.

I think there may be some among us who also have withered hands. Physically your hands are not withered, but spiritually there are things you may want to do, but find yourself unable to do. You may want to witness to friends and family, but find your spiritual gifts are withered. You can`t seem to get motivated, or get the words out of your mouth at the appropriate time. You may want to do a kindness to someone, but find yourself putting it off until it is too late.

You may have a gift of song or of speaking, but shyness or fear of what people may think has withered your ability to perform.

The Greek word translated `withered` indicates that his hand had been withered at some time in the past, perhaps by accident or disease. He had not been born with this affliction.  Perhaps you have been able to function well in some area of spiritual ministry, but that ability seems to have left you. The spiritual gift God gave you has been withered by disuse.

It is time for you to stretch out your hand so Jesus can restore it as it was before.

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