Keeping Your Heart in Tune

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My Violin, by Joanne Shennan. Used by permission of the photographer.

Keeping Your Heart in Tune

For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace… (Romans 8:6 – NASB)

The final words in a popular chorus ends with the words, “So keep your heart in tune.”

As my wife and I sang these words together in our morning devotions, my mind dredged up the memory of my fruitless attempts to play the violin.

Perhaps if my parents had been able to afford violin lessons for me when I was eight, I would be telling a different story. Yet here I was, nearing seventy years of age(I am now well into my seventies), trying to draw sweet notes from an instrument I could seldom keep properly tuned. Added to that, I had several other ministries occupying my time, so it was certainly not at the top of my list of priorities. It was a frustrating business, so I finally had to face the music (or lack of it). I was never going to be a competent violinist. I finally gave my violin away and had to settle for listening to it, rather than playing it.

It was the tuning, however, that got me beat – that and the broken strings.

Life can be like that, and the Christian life in particular.

Have you ever felt your life was out of tune and producing sour or discordant notes? You have tried everything to make your life harmonize with God and His Holy Word. Sometimes you’re in harmony, and sometimes you are not.

While I was taking lessons I would rely on the teacher to tune it for me. She had no trouble at all. She was the expert, and my violin was soon producing pure notes – till I got it home again.

So, I guess that is the secret to bringing spiritual harmony into your life.  Go to the master regularly, and get Him to tune your life to perfect pitch.


(c. Thursday 11th March, 1999, by Christopher Shennan)

I am like a violin

With a broken string or two,

And a song of praise inside

That cannot get to You.

Some strings are fine, and tuned;

From these sweet melodies rise,

But the range of praise they bring

Leave me dissatisfied.

Come mend my broken strings, Lord,

And tune them fine and true,

So that a paean of praise

May ever rise to You.

My life will ever praise,

When once all strings are there,

And the melodies I play

Will sound like heart-felt prayer.

The music I play

Will strike a cord in some

Who will bend their knee before

The True and Holy One.

I am like a violin,

With all my strings made new,

And every tune I play

Is a song of praise to You!

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