Bicycles and Boys




Bicycles and Boys

Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. (Matthew 22:29 – KJV)

As a boy I had frequent trouble with my bicycle chain detaching itself from the gears and thus stopping my progress.

I am not sure if I did not have the tension right, or if I hadn’t tightened some nut sufficiently. Whatever the cause my chain had this habit of coming off when I was going up a hill, or when I needed to get to my destination urgently.

One thing I learned as a boy with a bicycle: the chain had to be firmly connected to the gears for the bicycle to perform as it was designed to do.

Jesus said the Pharisees had a similar problem: There was no connection between their knowledge of Scripture and the power of God.  They could quote the Scriptures, but they had no experience of the power God could communicate through them. The chain of Scripture was disconnected to the power God was willing to give them.

The Pharisees were acquainted with Scriptures; they had known them almost from their cradles. They had so mixed them up with tradition, however, that they no longer recognized the Truth when they were brought face to face with it. Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.

It is possible to be well acquainted with the Bible without not really understand what it is saying. You can know it intellectually, but never encounter God’s transforming power while reading it.

You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me… (John 5:39 – NASB)

The Pharisees searched the Scriptures, yet failed to recognize the One sent to save them.

We need to know the Scriptures in spirit and in truth before God’s power will be released into our lives.

Knowing the Scriptures

(A Sonnet)

(© Friday 6th June 2014 – by Christopher Shennan)


God’s Word is not to be taken lightly;

It’s not just intended to fill the mind.

Its power and light can shine more brightly

On the heart and cause it to seek – and find.

Don’t be content with knowledge of Scripture,

As if just the knowing is enough to please;

Diligently search till it actually grips you,

And the mind that’s blinded can say it sees.

Treasures of Scripture will not be revealed

To those just wanting to tickle the mind;

God will say quickly, “Now rise and be healed!”

To earnest souls who just seek till they find.

Search the Scriptures till you really know them;

Your heart and your mind will really – glow then.


Check out my new book for teens at My website:

Picture by Joanne Shennan – used with permission.