


(Close-up picture of choir)

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose. (Romans 8:28 – AKJV)

“Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” Albert Einstein

Hear is the story of a “coincidence” in which we are hard pressed to label as such; too many coincidences involving too many people at the same time to think of it as anything else than the hand of God at work in the lives of his children:

At a church in Beatrice, Nebraska on March the 1st, 1950 the church exploded.

The thing was, the fifteen member choir, who always met at precisely 7.20, and had never been late before, were not in the church when it exploded. Every member of the choir found themselves unaccountably late for choir practice. Had any of them been on time they would have been dead. Every one of those fifteen were late, so none of them died. Can anyone call that a coincidence? Can anyone not see the hand of God in that so-called “coincidence? Only if they are willfully blind.

As dramatic as that incident was, we all experience “coincidences almost on a daily basis; some of them seemingly insignificance, others that have a significant impact upon our lives.

  • How we met the person we married
  • The chain of events that led to our choosing a career
  • The negative experiences that later proved to be a blessing

We can call these “coincidences” if we like, but our text tells us differently. It says that all things work together for good if we love the Lord. What is it about the word “all” that we do not understand?

As for me, I am determined to see every coincidence as the hand of God in my life.

I Thought it Was Coincidence

(© Wednesday 25th November 2015 – by Christopher Shennan)

I thought it was coincidence

When I happened on a mother;

She was bruised and hurt and crying;

She’d been beaten by her lover.

Then a coincidence met me

When I turned a corner in town;

I saw a beggar begging there;

All I gave him was a stern frown..

I saw a student was struggling

With a problem he could not solve;

Though I knew that I could help him,

I just refused to get involved.

All these were just coincidence;

They were just accidents in time,

Not of any significance –

They were no real concern of mine.

Then God said, “They were appointments

That I especially made for you;

I wanted you to meet their need –

They’re assignments for you to do.

“Don’t say they are coincidence;

They were projects to you assigned.

Though I remained anonymous –

You should not have been – so blind.”

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Tabernacle Baptist Church Choir at the Mason Corporation Musical Oasis by Scott Schram. Copyright. Used under the CC BY 2.0 license: please note the Disclaimer at the previous link. We have made no changes to this photograph, except for a possible photo sizing change.